A few minutes ago, I mentioned to Jason that we should use this new site for both of our blogs, as both of us have started to write regularly again, and, like a workout partner at the gym, the whole thing will probably work better if we capitalize on the motivation provided by the other person's posts.
Plus, it makes it easier to argue like massive idiots!
Moving on, speaking of deli-related items, I had an EPIC donair for lunch today at a place called My Donair on the east side of Macleod Trail, just south of 42 Ave S (Calgary, AB). Parking is sort of tricky; I ended up doing a big loop that put me northbound on Macleod (I was originally going south, down from 36 Ave where I work), where I was able to turn right into the stripmall-ish setup.
They had a deal we lucked out on as well; on Tuesday, if you buy two, you get the second one half off. We were immediately disappointed to find out this didn't apply to the Jumbo size -- 300g of meat vs 160 or so for the next size down, called Deluxe -- but I ended up so full from the Deluxe that I fear what would've happened had we gone with the Jumbo...that's what she said.
Good restaurants near work seem to be hard to find in Calgary, but I'm up to 4 of them now. Unfortunately, unlike Vancouver, I can't walk to any of them.
Well, that's probably a good enough start.
Back to being lazy...
The grave error
1 day ago
Note: the title of the blog and this post are not indicative of content. We do not intend to talk about actual delis.