For those few readers who don't know (or can't guess) I do a lot of travelling. In the last 3 years I've flown around 325,000 km (200,000 miles). I've spent a lot of time in planes and airports. As a result I have picked up some common mistakes people make and discovered (the hard way) some important tips for travelling relatively hassle free.
I figured "Hey! I have a blog! I can tell people things! Also, the internet needs more of people telling other people what to do." So here's the first post in what will likely be a series of posts on to make your next trip on a plane go a little smoother.
I will make one final prefacing comment. Although it may sound like I'm just bitching about the things that I think are wrong with air travel (read: air travellers), I really mean to just point out the problems that I see all the time.
Travel Tip #1 - Patience and Planning
The absolute most important thing to keep a day of air travel running smoothly is patience. The hard and fast rule of commercial air travel is "hurry up and wait". You rush to the airport to try to be on time and then stand in line for 20-30 minutes to check in. Then you rush to security only to again stand in line for 20 minutes. After that you get to rush to your gate only to, yet again, have to wait. Finally the big rush starts when you're actually allowed to board the plane...only to result in you getting to your seat and waiting yet again.
This can also be made worse when travelling internationally. Most airlines will suggest arrival at the airport at least 2-3 hours ahead of time. I've seen some travel agencies that recommend as much as 4 hours. If you happen to be flying out at a relatively quiet time of the day in the airport, it can take as little as 30 minutes from arrival at the airport to sitting at your gate. This results in a huge wait.
Now, let me be clear here: I am NOT advocating arriving at the airport as late as possible. This is even worse than waiting. Frequent travelers know exactly when they need to be at the airport to minimize wait time and still allow for delays. However, that takes years of trial and error to get just right. If you try to make it so you don't have to wait, you may end up being that guy who is holding up the plane from departing on time. Don't be that guy. It makes everyone else hate you and it only adds stress to your day.
Air travel is a slow and inefficient system. It sucks but it's the way things are right now. Delays happen, wait times increase, and lines are long. The simplest solution to all of these problems is to plan for the worst and be prepared for the best. Simply put, this means arriving at the airport when your airline recommends you arrive. Every airline has a section on their website that tells you when you need to be checking in. Some even break it down by airport and tell you when the airport is likely to be very busy (thank you United). The downside to this plan is if you arrive when you're told to and everything goes smoothly, you will have a bit of a wait. The extra time is for when everything goes wrong. You don't want to need that time.
Simply put: plan to wait. Bring a good book/eReader/iPad/whatever, find a seat, and get comfy.
The grave error
1 day ago